30 July 2011

delicious tomatoes, for real

this spring, we joined the CSA program from Tomato Mountain. this week, the first of the tomatoes come in. in addition to three (3) [yes, only three] red tomatoes, we received a basket of these smaller, orange tomatoes.

they are delicious! i'm hoping for bushels of red tomatoes in the coming weeks -- i'll get out my food mill and make some sauces for the winter.


pyker said...

Tomato & basil ice cream?

JustJoeP said...

It's both a food topping, and a floor wax!

It's it nice to know WHERE your food comes from? =) ... makes eating it all the more enjoyable.

zim said...

ooh, we got some really nice basil this week from the same farm.

btw, i took that photo with the gf's new Nikon. i'd been missing real lenses...